The Story of the U.S.A. is a series of workbooks which present basic topics in American history in language that is easy to read and to understand, without sacrificing interest or scholarship. Written for the upper elementary and secondary level, these illustrated books offer intelligently written and carefully structured material which develops vocabulary and comprehension skills as well as informs.
As a series, the books cover American history from early Indian times to the present.
- Book 1, Explorers and Settlers discusses the first Americans—who they were, and how they got here including a description of the Native American civilizations, the Spanish conquest, and the American Revolution.
- Book 2, A Young Nation Solves Its Problems begins with the development of the new American government and includes the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, Monroe doctrine, the Civil War, and Reconstruction.
- Book 3, America Becomes a Giant deals with Reconstruction, industrialization, Westward expansion, World War I, World War II, and the Korean War.
- The last book, Modern American, raises important issues in recent history and includes Eisenhower's presidency, McCarthyism, civil rights, and Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.
The books are written at the same level of difficulty, with the same format. A brief teacher's guide suggests ways of using each book, and provides answers for the final tests.
Skills Addressed:
- Social studies and history content
- Literal and inferential comprehension skills
- Vocabulary development
- Main idea
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