Story of Little Babaji RPG

Story of Little Babaji RPG

by Helen Bannerman
Publisher: HarperCollins
Hardcover, 72 pages
Price: $17.99

Little Babaji goes for a walk in the jungle, for he is wearing fine new clothes from his parents. He has a handsome red coat, a beautiful pair of blue trousers, two lovely purple shoes with crimson soles, and a grand green umbrella. But he’s not the only one who’s admiring his new outfit. One by one, all of his clothes get taken away by four cruel tigers. One wears the crimson shoes on his ears, another has tied the umbrella to his tail, a third is strutting about in the blue trousers, the last has stolen the red coat, and all are prowling about proclaiming themselves to be the grandest tigers in the jungle. Poor Babaji! But the tigers can’t agree on who’s the grandest, and they get in a fight. They take off all the clothes, bite on each other’s tails, and begin chasing each other around a tree. They go so fast that they begin to melt, and soon they are nothing but a pool of melted butter (or ‘ghi’ as they call it in India). Overjoyed, Babaji retrieves his clothes, and his father collects the butter for mother to make pancakes with.

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