Steven Rasmussen

Steven and Peter Rasmussen combined talents in 1971 to form Key Curriculum Press, a company serving the mathematical needs of teachers, students, and parents alike.  Previously Steven had earned his bachelor's degree in mathematics and his master's degree in mathematics education from Temple University before teaching high schoolers in both Pennsylvania and then in California.  For Key Curriculum Press, Steven worked as editor-in-chief for almost twenty-five years and since 1988 has also become CEO and President of KCP Technologies contributing to research and development for educational technology.   He helped create The Geometer's Sketchpad software system and edited the textbook Discovering Geometry.  Consistently working to improve the world of mathematics, Steven has been in charge of two National Science Foundation projects, is vice-president of the Emery Education Foundation, and works as a member of the Education Department Advisory Board of the University of California, Berkeley Extension.  A traveler as well, Steven has ventured all over the United States and abroad to speak about geometry and mathematical topics.


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8 Items found
Key to Decimals - Set
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Key to Fractions 4
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in Key-to Math (Location: MAT-KEY)
Key to Percents 1-3 - Answers and Notes
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Key to Percents 3
by Steven & David Rasmussen
from Key Curriculum Press
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in Key-to Math (Location: MAT-KEY)