Spy in Williamsburg

Spy in Williamsburg

by Isabelle Lawrence, Manning de V. Lee (Illustrator)
Publisher: Rand McNally
©1955, Item: 92891
Hardcover, 224 pages
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Isabelle Lawrence goes back to one of history's most colorful eras—the days immediately before the Revolutionary War—for this tale of fun and suspense. And the close co-operation of officials of Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia has helped make the story authentic in historical detail as it is exciting to boys and girls.

There was already a hint of trouble in the air that autumn day when Col. George Washington and Patrick Henry stopped in Master Will Budge's blacksmith shop. 

As twelve-year-old Ben listened to his father talking with the famous patriots, he never dreamed that soon he would be in the thick of the intrigue and excitement brewing in Williamsburg.

Tension mounts as Master Budge is injured in the Yorktown "tea party", as Giles, the apprentice, slips off on mysterious midnight errands, as the gunpowder is stolen and Ben chases a spy. As the story moves toward its climax, the authentic illustrations of Manning de V. Lee—full of the bustling life of colonial days—add much to the suspense and to the gaiety of this fast-moving tale.

A skillful blend of fact and fiction, A Spy in Williamsburg will hold young readers to the very last page.

—from the dust jacket

Published with the approval and collaboration of Colonial Williamsburg, Williamsburg, Virginia.

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