Spelling Power - Student Record Book (Blue, 7/16")

Spelling Power - Student Record Book (Blue, 7/16")

by Beverly Adams-Gordon
Publisher: Castlemoyle Books
Consumable Workbook, 136 pages
Price: $7.95
Used Price: $4.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Each Spelling Power Student Record Book provides enough forms for one student to master the words on at least one level of the Spelling Power program.

The books are conveniently bound and all the forms are printed in light blue so the student's own handwriting stands out. These pre-printed books generally cost less per page than printing the forms from the masters provided on the Spelling Power Teacher Resource CD-ROM or photocopying the black-line masters in older editions of the Spelling Power manual.

The Blue Record Book features 1/2" lines (approximately 'wide-ruled') with light mid-line for 2nd-4th grade students.

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