Son of Charlemagne

Son of Charlemagne

Bethlehem Books Living History Library
by Barbara Willard
Publisher: Bethlehem Books
Trade Paperback, 185 pages
List Price: $14.95 Sale Price: $12.71
Used Price: $7.20 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: 781 A. D.

Charlemagne took his son Carl's hand and held it firmly. "When we come to Rome you will know that I am naming you my heir. One day you will rule over all my lands. I want you to remember that I trust you to continue the work I have begun."

Carl had misgivings. How could he accept this honor? Pepin, the eldest son, was now being cast aside in the succession. Yet Carl admired his father deeply. He knew his father would do whatever he judged to be best for the future of his kingdom and thus for Europe and all Christendom.

The work Charlemagne began was nothing short of the founding of the Holy Roman Empire—the re-forging of a Roman Empire in the West, in alliance with the Church. Through the eyes of Carl and his sisters and brothers we watch how it all happens.

This story of the great Emperor Charlemagne and his son will stir the minds and imaginations of young people, while they discover the grand dimensions of western Europe's foundation.

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