Smallest Boy in the Class

Smallest Boy in the Class

by Jerrold Beim, Meg Wohlberg (Illustrator)
©1949, Item: 52183
Library Binding, 48 pages
Used Price: $3.20 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

They called him Tiny because he was the smallest boy in the class, but his name was really Jim. Tiny shouted loudest. He told the tallest tales. He drew pictures of the biggest ships and buildings and animals. In the playground he dashed ahead of the others and grabbed the first ride down the slide. It seemed as though Tiny felt he had to show off because the others were bigger than he was. Then something happened to show all the children that stature is not always measured in feet and inches. Tiny had earned the right to his own name, Jim.

Jerrold Beim demonstrates again by means of simple, dramatic incident his insight into the minds and hearts of children. Meg Wohlberg's handsome pictures, many in color, are admirably suited to this appealing story.

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