Sky Boys

Sky Boys

How They Built the Empire State Building

by Deborah Hopkinson
Publisher: Dragonfly Books
Trade Paperback, 48 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64
Watch out, sky boys-don’t slip in the rain or let the wind whisk you away!

Have you heard? They’re building the Empire State building. Look- you can see the Sky Boys, up hundreds of feet, eating lunch on a beam. With their hammers and rivets and welders, they’re bound to finish in record time.

Join a schoolboy of New York and watch the progress as this book, written engagingly in second person, takes you back to the Great Depression era.

Review by Hadley Payne (nee Ayers)
Hadley was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.

Review by Hadley Payne (née Ayers)
Hadley Ayers was an exemplary employee at Exodus for several years. Full of life and laughter, she is an avid reader who loves both classics and popular literature. Her reviews are clear, helpful and often witty. Check more of them out here.
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