Silver Sword

Silver Sword

Also Published As Escape from Warsaw

by Ian Serraillier, C. Walter Hodges (Illustrator)
Publisher: Criterion Books
©1959, Item: 61849
Hardcover, 188 pages
Used Price: $8.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

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Within an hour after the Germans came for their mother, the Balicki children's native Warsaw held neither home nor parent. Only determination, luck, and the help of unexpected friends kept the three together – until Edek fell into the hands of the secret police. How Ruth manages to carry on without Edek, and sets out with little Bronia in search of him and their parents, is told with a deceptive simplicity which gives a deep insight into what life was like for the children of World War II. Jan, the light-fingered, sly urchin with a passion for animals as bedraggled as himself; Edek, whose health breaks in captivity; Bronia, whose childish drawings are pitifully unchildlike; and Ruth, the never-failing source of strength for all of them; all share a desperate will to live again as human beings. A warm story about very real children, this is also a profoundly moving book which speaks eloquently to young readers of love and hope and courage in our own time.

Later published as Escape from Warsaw.

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