Seeing Fingers

Seeing Fingers

The Story of Louis Braille

by Etta B. DeGering, Emil Weiss (Illustrator)
Publisher: David McKay Company
©1962, Item: 92860
Library Rebind, 116 pages
Used Price: $5.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Description from a reprint, taken from Amazon:

Seeing Fingers: The Story Of Louis Braille is a biographical children's book written by Etta DeGering. The book tells the inspiring story of Louis Braille, a blind Frenchman who invented the Braille system of reading and writing for the visually impaired. The book takes the reader on a journey of Louis Braille's life from his childhood to adulthood. The author describes how Louis lost his sight at a young age due to a tragic accident and how he struggled to read and write like his sighted peers. The book then goes on to describe how Louis was determined to find a way to read and write independently and how he eventually developed the Braille system, which revolutionized the way blind people communicate.

It is beautifully illustrated with colorful and engaging illustrations that bring Louis Braille's story to life and also includes a timeline of his life, a glossary of terms related to blindness, and a list of resources for further reading. Overall, Seeing Fingers: The Story Of Louis Braille is an inspiring and educational book that teaches children about the power of determination and the importance of accessibility for people with disabilities.

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