

by Holling Clancy Holling
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
Trade Paperback, 63 pages
List Price: $12.99 Sale Price: $11.04

A carved ivory gull is the mascot for generations of seafarers aboard a whaler, a clipper ship, and a steamer. You'll travel from the Arctic to the Orient and learn much about ships in this informative book. Used in the Beautiful Feet Geography package.

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Summary: The focus is ships as a roving seagull visits several vessels and reveals their secrets.

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  A Great Read With Lots of Educational Content
Caleb of Newberg, 7/31/2016
This book follows the many adventures and happenings of the ivory carving Seabird and contains general information on whaling and sailing in the margins of the pages. When Ezra first carved Seabird, he had no way of knowing she would accompany four generations of his family. She traveled all over the globe, seeing many countries, cultures, islands, and people. Holling C. Holling has written a book worth reading.