Sea Around Us

Sea Around Us

Special Edition for Young Readers

by Rachel Carson
Publisher: Golden Press
©1958, Item: 56251
Hardcover, 165 pages
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Here, in an edition especially adapted for young readers, is RACHEL CARSON'S magnificent story of the oceans of the world. Illustrated with 150 photographs, maps, and drawings in color and black and white—showing plankton, birds, animals, jellyfish, seaweeds, ocean currents and storms at sea—its fascinating pages describe:

  • The Gray Beginnings—how the oceans were formed and how life originated in the sea.
  • The Surface of the Sea—birds, animals, fish, and the teeming microscopic life of the upper waters.
  • The Changing Year—how the four seasons affect the life of the sea.
  • The Sunless Sea—strange and beautiful forms of life in the ocean's cold, dark depths.
  • Hidden Lands—the mountains and valleys of the sea floor.
  • The Long Snowfall—the ceaseless drift of sediment to the bottom of the sea and the record of former life which it contains.
  • The Birth of an Island—the eruption of undersea volcanoes and how their tops emerge from the deep to become islands.
  • The Shape of Ancient Seas—how the oceans have advanced and retreated over the face of the land throughout the geologic past.
  • Wind and Water—waves, lighthouses, erosion, typhoons, tsunamis and wind-lashed winter storms.
  • Rivers in the Sea—the circulation of the Gulf Stream and other vast, wind-driven currents of the ocean.
  • The Moving Tides—amazing differences in the daily rise and fall of waters, and why they occur.
  • The Global Thermostat—how the oceans temper the climate of the earth.
  • Wealth from the Salt Seas—mineral treasures found in sea water, and under the ocean floor.
  • The Encircling Sea—and the great mariners of history who went down to the sea in ships, to explore its vastness

From the dust jacket

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