Science 1 - Student Textbook (old)

Science 1 - Student Textbook (old)

by Candace Levesque
3rd Edition, ©2010, Publisher Catalog #508978
Softcover Textbook
Current Retail Price: $45.56
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Guides beginners into a deeper appreciation of the Lord's handiwork. Uses the five senses as a springboard to introduce the following studies:

  • Parts of the Solar System
  • Gravity, Force, Friction
  • Plants: growing; grouping; eating; seeds
  • Matter and Air: mass; weight; solids, liquids, gases
  • Animals: tame; wild; domestic
  • Teeth: parts; function; care
  • Sound: vibration; travel; use
  • Weather: temperature; movement of air; precipitation; weatherman; observing; thermometers
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