School at Thrush Green

School at Thrush Green

by Miss Read, John S. Goodall (Illustrator)
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin
First American Edition, ©1988, ISBN: 9780395461082
Hardcover, 244 pages
Used Price: $9.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Miss Read is sure to satisfy new and old fans alike with the happy nostalgia and delightfully authentic flavor of her latest Thrush Green story. The School at Thrush Green focuses on two school- teachers, Dorothy Watson and Agnes Fogerty, as they plan for their retirement. Not only do we carry forward the various life histories of our friends in the village, but we see Dorothy and Agnes leaving their old home and buying a new one at Barton-on-Sea. Poor Agnes has a time coping with Dorothy's rather domineering ways! And Dorothy faces her own challenges behind the wheel of a new automobile!

In addition to the retiring teachers' immediate problems, the inhabitants of Thrush Green and Lulling have other concerns. Will the Misses Lovelock keep their latest domestic help? Is the young man outside the Fuchsia Bush really an architectural student, as Agnes thinks? More important still, what will become of the schoolhouse if it is sold?

All these matters are discussed and finally resolved in the pages of The School at Thrush Green, where old and new friends settle down together very happily.

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