Scarlet Pimpernel

Scarlet Pimpernel

by Baroness Emma Orczy
Publisher: Everyman's Library
Hardcover, 320 pages
Current Retail Price: $20.00
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The year is 1792. The French Revolution, driven to excess by its own triumph, has turned into a reign of terror. Daily, tumbrels roll over the cobbled streets of Paris bearing new victims to the insatiable Madame Guillotine . . . Thus the stage is set for one of the most enthralling novels of historical adventure ever written.

The mysterious figure known as the Scarlet Pimpernel, sworn to rescue helpless men, women, and children form their doom; his implacable foe, the French agent Chauvelin, relentlessly hunting him down; and the lovely Lady Marguerite Blakeney, a beautiful French exile married to an English lord and caught in a terrible conflict of loyalties—all play their parts in a suspenseful tale that ranges from the squalid slums of Paris to the aristocratic salons of London, from intrigue on a great English country estate to the final denouement on the cliffs of the French coast.

One of our favorite novels. Sir Percy is that daring Englishman who, with his loyal band of followers, dons disguises and rescues members of the French aristocracy. When he woos and marries Marguerite, but later suspects her of betraying one such aristocrat, the process becomes a bit more complicated. Fun, swashbuckling, and romantic. . . full of close calls and some pretty memorable dialogue.

Many readers clamored for more after reading The Scarlet Pimpernel, and the Baroness Orczy graciously obliged. They're not as cleveras the first book, but here are three sequels, made available for free from Project Gutenberg:

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