Russ Kendall

Russ Kendall

Born in Texas in 1957 but growing up on Cape Cod, Kendall longed for adventure. He figured he'd grow up to be a veterinarian or forest ranger because though he loved photography, he failed at it in high school. Fortunately that didn't deter him for the rest of his life. After serving in the Air National Guard in Massachusetts, attending community college, and then graduating from Boston University with a journalism major, Kendall worked as a newspaper photographer in Alaska and New Hampshire.

Venturing into the world of book writing, Kendall wrote and photographed Eskimo Boy: Life in an Inupiaq Village based on his time spent in Alaska. In Russian Girl, Kendall again shows many readers a world beyond their own. Teaming up with author Kate Waters, Kendall provided the photographs for the book Sarah Morton's Day: A Day in the Life of a Pilgrim Girl. Their success led them to collaborate on Samuel Eaton's Day and other nonfiction books about early Pilgrim life. Kendall lives in Portland, Oregon, and travels to remote places taking photos.

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