Romantic World of Richard Halliburton

Romantic World of Richard Halliburton

by Richard Halliburton
Item: 93105
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Spend a forbidden night in the Taj Mahal's Garden of Immortality...survey the world from the top of the Matterhorn...spread your net with the singing fishermen on the sea of Galilee...swim through the sapphire waters of the Hellespont...explore the enchanted temple in the rose-red city of Petra...follow the trail of Ulysses to the immortal ruins of Troy...

In this fabulous book, compiled by popular demand from seven of Richard Halliburton's most popular travel works, you'll soar around the globe,visit exotic lands, share the adventures of a lifetime with a guide whose exuberance is as heady as champagne. The Romantic World of Richard Halliburton is truly a superb tale of high adventure.

—from the back of the Grosset and Dunlap paperback edition

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