Ride the Crooked Wind

Ride the Crooked Wind

by Dale Fife, Richard "Dick" Cuffari (Illustrator)
Publisher: Coward McCann
Hardcover, 96 pages
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Po Threefeathers liked the old Indian ways best. He loved living with his grandmother and hearing her stories of how Paiute life used to be. She knew the important things: how to weave a waterproof bottle or make a boat out of hollow reeds. Po couldn't understand why his young uncle had chosen to study at the white man's schools. What use was white man's knowledge to an Indian? He didn't want to be an Indian with all the color washed out in school. He was content with his life as it was.

But when Grandmother was taken sick, Po found out that changes had to come. At the Indian boarding school, he met young Indians of many different tribes, with different ideas, customs, and traditions. He learned that the choice he had to make was not as simple as he had expected.

RIDE THE CROOKED WIND is an understanding and genuine story of a boy who must confront and reconcile two cultures, each valuable in its own way.

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