Revival Lectures

Revival Lectures

by Charles G. Finney
Trade Paperback, 534 pages
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Charles Grandison Finney was the most widely known and successful American revivalist of his time. A back-woodsman who trained for the teaching and legal professions, Finney was converted and called to preach. He became a minister to the masses, arguing at the bar of conscience concerning the eternal destiny of human souls. Finney believed in a "science of revivals," and with analytical mind he set about discovering the pattern of revival as revealed in the Scriptures, applying his findings to a method whereby revival can be secured in our time. These Revival lectures owe much of their appeal to the fact that they were first preached to a visible audience, taken down by a reporter, and finally edited and annotated by the author.

No other book on the subject has been so mightily used of God. It has been translated into many languages and circulated around the globe. And despite the passage of time since the lectures were first delivered and published, so powerful are they in application that they are still used as texts in many Bible schools and seminaries. In these lectures Finney explains what a revival of religion is and treats subjects such as the place of faith and prayer in relation to revival, the need for the Holy Spirit, methods to be used in the quest for souls, hindrances to revivals, instructions to converts, and helpful rules for growth in grace. The principles and methods God used so mightily in Finney's day are equally effective in our own, It is for our generation to "read and understand."

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