Reforming Marriage

Reforming Marriage

Gospel Living for Couples

by Douglas Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 144 pages
List Price: $15.00 Sale Price: $12.75

When visitors arrive in your home, what's the first thing they notice about your family? In many instances it is the spiritual aroma of the relationship between husband and wife. We can fake an attempt at keeping God's standard, but we cannot fake the resulting distinctive aroma of pleasure to God.

This book does what few books on marriage do: it gives biblical advice. It points to the need for obedient hearts on the part of both husbands and wives. Godly marriages proceed from obedient hearts and the greatest desire of an obedient heart is the glory of God. This has become a book of choice for marriage counseling, book study groups, and bedtime reading with your spouse.

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Exodus Rating:
Summary: Already a classic, the biblical advice in this book is designed to help married couples cultivate faithful obedience.

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  One of My Top Ten
Eli Evans of Portland, 5/1/2015
If I were asked for a list of the ten most important books we offer at Exodus, Reforming Marriage would most emphatically be on it—close to the top. It has been described by one customer as "a two-by-four between the eyes," and I've heard the comment that reading it is "like having Wilson following you around and pointing out all your mistakes." Not necessarily a pleasant sensation, but a helpful one... certainly better than having a wife nagging about a fault, or—if she is an excellent wife—patiently forbearing and "heaping coals" on your head!

Husbands must learn how to lead and then work hard to do it. Wives must learn how important it is to build their husbands up, and allow themselves to be led. This does not mean that men should be domineering and women should be doormats. Rather, Doug Wilson demonstrates that a man must follow Christ's example. As Christ loved His bride the church and gave Himself up for her, so are husbands to lead through service, sacrificing their own desires to love their wives as themselves. Wilson also shows the other side for wives, how important it is for wives to respect their husbands, both in their inward thoughts and in their outward actions.

Reforming Marriage definitely does not pull punches, and it sets up a high standard that is probably impossible to reach. But reaching for it could make all the difference in your marriage. And we MUST make that difference. We have to focus on rebuilding godly families, because it is through those families that the Church and culture can be reclaimed.