Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm: The Girl (retold)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm: The Girl (retold)

Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm retold #2 of 3
by Kate Douglas Wiggin, Eric Wiggin, Joe Boddy (Illustrator)
Publisher: Wolgemuth and Hyatt
Hardcover, 250 pages
Used Price: $15.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

From the dust jacket:


Your first day of class at a new school? The excitement of making new friends? The nervousness of wondering what school would be like? All the joys and trials that come with this new experience?

Well, school is starting at Wareham Academy and Rebecca Randall is one of its newest pupils.

Hop on board each day as Rebecca rides the train from the brick house at Riverboro to Wareham and back again. Take part in the excitement as she makes new friends and begins learning some important lessons about life.

Get ready for more fun adventures with Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm as Eric Wiggin and Kate Douglas Wiggin bring you the second of their three book series.

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