Real Food Revival

Real Food Revival

Aisle by Aisle, Morsel by Morsel

by Ann Clark Espuelas, Sherri Brooks Vinton
Publisher: Jeremy P. Tarcher
Trade Paperback, 304 pages
Current Retail Price: $18.95
Used Price: $4.80 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

The Real Food Revival is a book of celebration and indulgence, an ode to culinary delight, and an indispensable reference guide for food lovers everywhere. It takes you through the delicious process of filling your pantries (and tummies) with Real Food. Simply put, Real Food is: delicious, produced as locally as possible, sustainable, affordable, and accessible.

In The Real Food Revival, readers will learn how to find Real Food wherever they shop, and how to navigate the jargon-organic, eco-friendly, fresh, fresh-frozen, cage-free, GMO-free, fair-trade, grass-fed, grain-finished-in order to make meaningful choices. The book also informs readers about alternative Real Food sources such as CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture systems), direct-from-the-farm, and the Internet.

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