Question of Yams

Question of Yams

A missionary story based on true events

by Gloria Repp
2nd Edition, ©1992, Publisher Catalog #057885
Trade Paperback, 67 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

Other people crowded into the house, and Kuri heard them whispering. "Look what happened to him. Surely he is being punished."

Kuri's eyes flew open in alarm.

Kuri's father has planted their yams without praying to the spirits. The Head Men insist that the yams must be planted in the right way, but Father declares, "God is mighty," and he continues to plant their garden in the name of Jesus Christ.

Kuri can't help wondering whether the Head Men are right. Are the spirits punishing him and his family? If the yams don't grow, what will they eat? Does he dare to be like Father and trust only in God? The day comes at last when Kuri must decide.

Old Cover (same edition):

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