Pulling Together

Pulling Together

by Dawn L. Watkins
Trade Paperback, 135 pages
List Price: $6.99 Sale Price: $5.94
Used Price: $3.60 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

When a storm brings ruin to their small farm, Matthew watches his father's steadfast trust in God and determines to do his best to help the family. He can't bear to think that Dolly, one of their faithful workhorses, might have to be sold.

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  Motivating Story of Courage
Albanyaloe of South Africa, 6/10/2011
This is a lovely story of a Godly family who go through and come out of a trial together. When things go wrong, the main character, a young lad, shows his determination through old fashioned hard work. Woven throughout is the father's simple trust that the Lord is in control and his emphasis on family values. A happy, unexpected ending rounds it off. I would place this at advanced second or third grade reading level. Perfect for reading aloud, especially for horse lovers and boys.