Preparing for Motherhood

Preparing for Motherhood

The Inside Scoop on Your New Job

by Barbara Miller Juliani
Publisher: New Growth Press
Hardcover, 25 pages
List Price: $4.49 Sale Price: $3.59
Used Price: $1.75 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

You're expecting the arrival of a new little one any day. You've done your best to prepare, but you still have questions. Am I ready for this? Will I be a good mother? What if I make a mistake? Will my baby be okay?

With the wisdom of experience, Barbara Miller Juliani helps you untangle the sources of your worries and leads you to Christ as the one who cares and provides for you and your baby. Offering helpful Scriptures to guide your mind and heart, she walks you through many of the practical realities of motherhood that provide opportunities to grow in faith and to trust God with your child.

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