Algebra & Trigonometry: Functions & Applications - Set
by Paul A. Foerster
from Prentice Hall
for 10th-12th grade
in Algebra
(Location: MATR-ALG)
Book of Christmas Carols
by Jane Lydbury
from Prentice Hall
for 2nd-Adult
in Christmas & Advent
(Location: HOLIDAY)
Experts' Book of Boating
by Ruth Brindze (editor), illustrated by Fred Wellbrock
from Prentice Hall
for Adult
in Nautical History
(Location: VIN-NAUT)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Four Against Everest
by Woodrow Wilson Sayre
from Prentice Hall
for Adult
$15.00 (1 in stock)
George the Babysitter
by Shirley Hughes
from Prentice Hall
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books
(Location: PICTURE)
George Washington Carver: The Man Who Overcame
by Lawrence Elliott
from Prentice Hall
for Adult
Joey Runs Away
by Jack Kent
from Prentice Hall
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Picture Books
(Location: PICTURE)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
King Who Rained
by Fred Gwynne
from Prentice Hall
for Preschool- 3rd Grade
in Picture Books
(Location: PICTURE)
$2.50 (1 in stock)
Lexington Goes Down
by A. A. Hoehling
from Prentice Hall
for 9th-Adult
$4.80 (1 in stock)
Miracle of the Bells
by Russell Janney
from Prentice Hall
for 10th-Adult
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Mirror of War: The Washington Star Reports the Civil War
by John W. Stepp, I. William Hill
from Prentice Hall
for 8th-Adult
in History for Adults
(Location: ADU-HIS)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Mousekin's Christmas Eve
by Edna Miller
from Prentice Hall
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Vintage Picture Books
(Location: VIN-PIC)
Old Silver Leg Takes Over
by Robert Quackenbush
from Prentice Hall
for 1st-4th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
Once Upon a Time!
by Robert M. Quackenbush
from Prentice Hall
for 3rd-6th grade
Osceola's Head and Other American Ghost Stories
by Walter Harter, illustrated by Neil Waldman
from Prentice Hall
for 3rd-6th grade
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Pecos Bill and the Mustang
by Harold Felton, illustrated by Leonard Shortall
from Prentice Hall
American Tall Tale
for 1st-3rd grade
in Vintage Picture Books
(Location: VIN-PIC)
Prospects of a Golden Age
by John Dos Passos
from Prentice Hall
for 8th-Adult
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Watt Got You Started, Mr. Fulton?
by Robert M. Quackenbush
from Prentice Hall
for 2nd-4th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)
Which is Which
by Solveig Paulson Russell, illustrated by Gail E. Haley
from Prentice Hall
for 2nd-4th grade
in Vintage Science & Math
(Location: VIN-SCI)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Who Said There's No Man on the Moon?
by Robert M. Quackenbush
from Prentice Hall
Picture Book Biography
for 1st-4th grade
in Biographies
(Location: BIO)