Practicing His Presence

Practicing His Presence

by Brother Lawrence, Frank Laubach
Publisher: Seedsowers
Trade Paperback
Price: $10.95
"At any moment and in any circumstance, the soul that seeks God may find Him, and practice the presence of God."

"The time of business does not with me differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen. . .I possess God in as great tranquility as if I were upon my knees at the blessed sacrament."

Brother Lawrence, a simple seventeenth-century French monk, learned to live moment by moment in the presence of God despite the distractions of life. The Practice of the Presence of God is a collection of documented conversations and letters that reveal the heart of this humble man—a life-transforming work that stresses the reality of relationship with the living God. This book has never been out of print in the last 300 years, but in recent years, interest has waned as the original language has become less approachable to the modern reader. The publishers of this volume have now revised and reissued the book under the title Practicing His Presence,and the depth and beauty of Brother Lawrence's masterpiece lives again.

This slim volume also includes material by Frank Laubach—from the 20th century—who, like Brother Lawrence, wrote a series of letters chronicling his experiences practicing the presence of Jesus Christ.

If you wish to know your Lord in a deeper way, your are invited to join the numerous Christians who, over three centuries, have turned to this book in order to begin that journey to the depths of Christ.

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