100 Best-Loved Poems
Dover Thrift Editions
by Philip Smith
from Dover Publications
for 10th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
101 Famous Poems
by Roy Cook
from Reilly & Lee Co.
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
101 Great American Poems
Dover Thrift Editions
by Paul Negri
from Dover Publications
for 10th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
American History in Verse
by Burton Stevenson
from Bob Jones University Press
for 3rd-Adult
American Poetry
by David S. Shields
from Library of America
for 11th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$20.00 (1 in stock)
Anchor Book of Chinese Poetry
by Tony Barnstone & Chou Ping, eds.
from Anchor Books
for 9th-12th grade
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Anne's Anthology
by Margie Gray
from Cadron Creek Christian Curriculum
for 7th-10th grade
Annotated Mother Goose
by William S. Baring-Gould & Ceil Baring-Gould
from Bramhall House
for 10th-Adult
in 19th Century Literature
(Location: LIT6-19)
Best Loved Poems of the American People
by Hazel Felleman (editor)
from Doubleday & Company
for 9th-Adult
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Children's Treasury of Classic Poetry
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Civil War Poetry
from Dover Publications
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$1.75 (1 in stock)
English Epic Poetry
Copper Lodge Library
by Stephanie Bailey Meter (introduction and annotations)
from Classical Conversations
for 9th-12th grade
English Romantic Poetry
Dover Thrift Editions
by Stanley Appelbaum, editor
from Dover Publications
for Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
English Victorian Poetry
by Paul Negri, ed.
from Dover Publications
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Favorite Poems Old and New
by Helen Ferris
from Delacorte Press
for All ages
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Favorite Poems Old and New
by Helen Ferris, illustrated by Leonard Weisgard
from Doubleday & Company
for All ages
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
Firefly July
by Selected by Paul B. Janeczko, Illustrated by Melissa Sweet
from Candlewick Press
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Good Poems
by Garrison Keillor, ed.
from Penguin Classics
for 10th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Great Short Poems
Dover Thrift Editions
by Paul Negri, editor
from Dover Publications
for 9th-12th grade
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Harp and Laurel Wreath
by Laura M. Berquist
from Ignatius Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$15.00 (1 in stock)
Heart to Heart
by Jan Greenberg
from Harry N. Abrams, Inc.
for 7th-12th grade
in Poetry
(Location: POET-GEN)
$12.00 (3 in stock)
How Do I Love Thee?
by Linda Rhodes (selected by), illustrated by David Johnson
from Hallmark Publications
for 6th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Illustrated Library of World Poetry
by William Cullen Bryant, editor
from Gramercy Books
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Kate Greenaway's Language of Flowers
by Kate Greenaway
from Gramercy Books
for all ages
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Language of Flowers
by Kate Greenaway
from Dover Publications
for all ages
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Learning Language Arts Through Literature - British Poetry Anthology
from Common Sense Press
for 9th-12th grade
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Lover's Posy
by Celia Haddon
from Michael Joseph
Valentine's Day Poetry
for 6th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Mentor Book of Major American Poets
by Oscar Williams & Edwin Honig
from Mentor Books
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$5.00 (2 in stock)
Modern American and British Poetry
by Louis Untermeyer
from Harcourt, Brace & Company
for Adult
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
My First Oxford Book of Poems
by John Foster (compiler)
from Oxford University
for Preschool-2nd grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
National Geographic Book of Nature Poetry
by J. Patrick Lewis
from National Geographic
in Poetry
(Location: POET-GEN)
Oxford Book of Children's Verse in America
by Donald Hall
from Oxford University
for 1st-8th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Oxford Book of Children's Verse in America
by Donald Hall, ed.
from Oxford University
for 2nd-6th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Oxford Book of English Verse
from Oxford University
for 10th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Oxford Book of Friendship
by D.J. Enright & David Rawlison
from Oxford University
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Poems of Faith
from Dover Publications
for 8th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Poetry for Young People: Seasons
Poetry for Young People
by John N. Serio
from Scholastic Inc.
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Rhymes and Verses
by Walter De la Mare
2002 Reprint
from Henry Holt and Company
for 2nd-6th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Risking Everything
1st edition
from Harmony
in Poetry
(Location: POET-GEN)
Road Not Taken & Other Poems
Dover Thrift Editions
by Robert Frost
from Dover Publications
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry
(Location: POET-GEN)
Shaking the Pumpkin
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
Six American Poets
by Joel Conarroe, ed.
from Vintage Classics
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Six American Poets
by Joel Conarroe, ed.
from University of Minnesota
for 9th-Adult
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Songs for the Open Road
from Dover Publications
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Sounds Around the Clock
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 2nd-3rd grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Sounds Around the Clock - Teacher Edition
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 2nd-3rd grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Sounds of a Distant Drum
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 7th-8th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Sounds of a Young Hunter
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 6th-7th grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Sounds of Home
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for Kindergarten-1st grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Sounds of Home - Teacher's Edition
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for Kindergarten-1st grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Sounds of Laughter
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 3rd-4th grade
$5.00 (2 in stock)
Sounds of Mystery
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 5th-6th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Sounds of Numbers
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 1st-2nd grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Sounds of Numbers - Teacher Edition
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 1st-2nd grade
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Sounds of the Storyteller
a Sounds of Language Reader
by Edited by Bill Martin Jr.
from Holt, Rinehart and Winston
for 4th-5th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Stories and Poems for Extremely Intelligent Children of All Ages
by Harold Bloom
from Charles Scribner's Sons
for 3rd-8th grade
in Short Stories
(Location: LIT-ANTH)
$7.00 (1 in stock)
Talking to the Sun
by Selected by Kenneth Koch and Kate Farrell
from Henry Holt and Company
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
$12.00 (1 in stock)
Tomie dePaola's Book of Poems
by Tomie DePaola
from Putnam Juvenile
for Nursery-4th grade
in Poetry for Children
(Location: POET-CHIL)
Translations from the Chinese
by Arthur Waley
from Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.
for 6th-Adult
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Treasury of the World's Best Loved Poems
from Avenel Books
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
Treasury of Verse for School and Home
by M. G. Edgar and Eric Chilman, editors
from Thomas Y. Crowell & Co.
for 3rd-8th grade
in Vintage Poetry
(Location: VIN-POET)
$40.00 (1 in stock)
William Wordsworth Favorite Poems
by William Wordsworth
from Dover Publications
for 10th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)
$0.50 (1 in stock)
World War One British Poets: Brooke, Owen, Sassoon, Rosenberg and Others
by Various Authors
from Dover Publications
for 9th-Adult
in Poetry Anthologies
(Location: POET-ANTH)