Plutarch Project Volume 9

Plutarch Project Volume 9

Alcibiades, Coriolanus, and Cato the Younger

by Anne E. White
Publisher: Anne E. White
1st Edition, ©2020, ISBN: 9781777252243
Trade Paperback, 187 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.50
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British educator Charlotte Mason saw Plutarch's Lives as key to the study of Citizenship. What character qualities does one need to be both a good subject and a great leader? When is it right to fight against tyranny? How do people manage their affairs with wisdom and justice, and what happens when they don't? The first volume in The Plutarch Project includes vocabulary, discussion questions, and other aids for students and parent/teachers, plus edited text for the Lives of Marcus Cato the Censor, Philopoemen, and Titus Flamininus.

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