PLP: Survey of Science History & Concepts - Parent Lesson Planner

PLP: Survey of Science History & Concepts - Parent Lesson Planner

Publisher: Master Books
Trade Paperback, 216 pages
List Price: $21.99 Sale Price: $17.59
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This Survey of Science History & Concepts contains materials for use with Exploring The World of Mathematics, Exploring The World of Physics, Exploring The World of Biology, and Exploring The World of Chemistry.

  • Weekly Lesson Schedule
  • Student Worksheets
  • Quizzes & Test
  • Answer Key
1 Year
1 Credit

Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has three easy-to-manage lessons which combine reading, worksheets, and vocabulary-building. Designed to allow your student to be independent, materials in this resource are divided by section so you can remove quizzes, tests, and answer keys before beginning the coursework. As always, you are encouraged to adjust the schedule and materials as you need to in order to best work within your educational program.

Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then answer the questions at the end of each chapter. Tests are given at regular intervals. Space is given for assignment dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. For example, the parent may opt for a M, W, F schedule rather than a M-W schedule. As the student completes each assignment, he/she should put an “X” in the box. Test grades should also be recorded in the lesson plan where indicated.

Lesson Scheduling: 3-4 Days per week

Students will study four areas of science: Scientific Mathematics, Physics, Biology, and Chemistry. Students will gain an appreciation for how each subject has affected our lives, and for the people God revealed wisdom to as they sought to understand Creation. Each content area is thoroughly explored, giving students a good foundation in each discipline.

Semester 1: Math and Physics

Numbers surround us. Just try to make it through a day without using any. It’s impossible: telephone numbers, calendars, volume settings, shoe sizes, speed limits, weights, street numbers, microwave timers, TV channels, and the list goes on and on. The many advancements and branches of mathematics were developed through the centuries as people encountered problems and relied upon math to solve them. It’s amazing how ten simple digits can be used in an endless number of ways to benefit man. The development of these ten digits and their many uses is the fascinating story in Exploring the World of Mathematics.

Physics is a branch of science that many people consider to be too complicated to understand. John Hudson Tiner puts this myth to rest as he explains the fascinating world of physics in a way that students can comprehend. Did you know that a feather and a lump of lead will fall at the same rate in a vacuum? Learn about the history of physics from Aristotle to Galileo to Isaac Newton to the latest advances. Discover how the laws of motion and gravity affect everything from the normal activities of everyday life to launching rockets into space. Learn about the effects of inertia first hand during fun and informative experiments. Exploring the World of Physics is a great tool for student who want to have a deeper understanding of the important and interesting ways that physics affects our lives.

Semester 2: Biology and Chemistry

The field of biology focuses on living things, from the smallest microscopic protozoa to the largest mammal. In this book you will read and explore the life of plants, insects, spiders and other arachnids, life in water, reptiles, birds, and mammals, highlighting God’s amazing creation. You will learn about biological classification, how seeds spread around the world, long-term storage of energy, how biologists learned how the stomach digested food, the plant that gave George de Mestral the idea of Velcro, and so much more. For most of history, biologists used the visible appearance of plants or animals to classify them. They grouped plants or animals with similar-looking features into families. Starting in the 1990’s, biologists have extracted DNA and RNA from cells as a guide to how plants or animals should be grouped. Like visual structures, these reveal the underlying design of creation. Exploring the World of Biology is a fascinating look at life-from the smallest proteins and spores, to the complex life systems of humans and animals.

Chemistry is an amazing branch of science that affects us every day, yet few people realize it, or even give it much thought. Without chemistry, there would be nothing made of plastic, there would be no rubber tires, no tin cans, no televisions, no microwave ovens, or something as simple as wax paper. This book presents an exciting and intriguing tour through the realm of chemistry as each chapter unfolds with facts and stories about the discoveries of discoverers. Find out why pure gold is not used for jewelry or coins. Join Humphry Davy as he made many chemical discoveries, and learn how they shortened his life. See how people in the 1870s could jump over the top of the Washington Monument. Exploring the World of Chemistry brings science to life and is a wonderful learning tool with many illustrations and biographical information.

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