This Introduction to Ocean and Ecology Curriculum Guide contains materials for use with The Ocean Book and The Ecology Book in the Wonders of Creation series.
Planner |
Weekly Lesson Schedule
Student Worksheets
Quizzes & Test
Answer Key
7th-9thgrade |
1 Year
Science |
1/2 Credit
Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has three easy-to-manage lessons which combine reading, worksheets, and vocabulary-building opportunities including an expanded glossary for each book. Designed to allow your student to be independent, materials in this resource are divided by section so you can remove quizzes, tests, and answer keys before beginning the coursework. As always, you are encouraged to adjust the schedule and materials as you need to in order to best work within your educational program.
Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each section of the Study Guide. Younger students may select one or more of the Activities and Projects in each chapter of the Study Guide. They should be encouraged to complete as many as possible, especially those they have a special interest in. Older students should be encouraged to complete as many of the Activities and Projects as possible. Tests are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade. Younger students may be given the option of taking open book tests.
Lesson Scheduling: Space is given for assignment dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. For example, the parent may opt for a M–W schedule rather than a M, W, F schedule. Each week listed has five days but due to vacations the school work week may not be M–F. Please adapt the days to your school schedule. As the student completes each assignment, he/she should put an “X” in the box.
This is the suggested course sequence that allows one core area of science to be studied per semester. You can change the sequence of the semesters per the needs or interests of your student; materials for each semester are independent of one another to allow flexibility.
Semester 1: Oceans
The oceans may well be earth’s final frontier. These dark and sometimes mysterious waters cover 71 percent of the surface area of the globe and have yet to be fully explored. Under the waves, a watery world of frail splendor, foreboding creatures, and sights beyond imagination awaits. The Ocean Book will teach you about giant squid and other “monsters” of the seas; centuries of ocean exploration; hydrothermal vents; the ingredients that make up the ocean; harnessing the oceans’ energy; icebergs; coral reefs; ships, submarines, and other ocean vessels; the major ocean currents; El Niño; whirlpools and hurricanes; harvesting the ocean’s resources; whales, dolphins, fish, and other sea creatures. Learning about the oceans and their hidden contents can be exciting and rewarding. The abundance and diversity of life, the wealth of resources, and the simple mysteries there have intrigued explorers and scientists for centuries,. A better understanding of our oceans ensures careful conservation of their grandeur and beauty for future generations, and lead to a deeper respect for the delicate balance of life on planet Earth.
Semester 2: Ecology
Study the relationship between living organisms and our place in God’s wondrous creation! Learn important words and concepts from different habitats around the world to mutual symbiosis as a product of the relational character of God. This is a powerful biology-focused course specially designed for multi-age teaching. Students will:
Study the intricate relationship between living organisms and our place in God’s wondrous creation
Examine important words and concepts, from different habitats around the world to our stewardship of the world’s resources
Gain insight into influential scientists and their work
More fully understand practical aspects of stewardship
Investigate ecological interactions and connections in creation
The Ecology Book encourages an understanding of a world designed, not as a series of random evolutionary accidents, but instead as a wondrous, well-designed system of life around the globe created to enrich and support its different features. Activities provide additional ways to make the learning experience practical.
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