This Advanced Pre-Med Studies contains materials for use with Exploring the History of Medicine, The Genesis of Germs, Body by Design and Building Blocks in Life Science.
Planner |
Weekly Lesson Schedule
Student Worksheets
Quizzes & Test
Answer Key
10th-12thgrade |
1 Year
Science |
1 Credit
Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has three easy-to-manage lessons which combine reading, worksheets, and vocabulary-building. Designed to allow your student to be independent, materials in this resource are divided by section so you can remove quizzes, tests, and answer keys before beginning the coursework. As always, you are encouraged to adjust the schedule and materials as you need to in order to best work within your educational program.
Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each worksheet. Tests and quizzes are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade.
Lesson Scheduling: Space is given for assignment dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. While each quarter has 45 days of assignments, they do not have to be given M-F. Some students may prefer to do more assignments each day, allowing for breaks on other days. Each week listed has five days but due to vacations the school work week may not be M-F. Please adapt assignment dates to reflect your school schedule. As the student completes each assignment, he/she should put an “X” in the box.
Semester 1:
From surgery to vaccines, man has made great strides in the field of medicine. Quality of life has improved dramatically in the last few decades alone, and the future is bright. But students must not forget that God provided humans with minds and resources to bring about these advances. A biblical perspective of healing and the use of medicine provides the best foundation for treating diseases and injury. In Exploring the History of Medicine, author John Hudson Tiner reveals the spectacular discoveries that started with men and women who used their abilities to better mankind and give glory to God. The fascinating history of medicine comes alive in this book, providing students with a healthy dose of facts, mini-biographies, and vintage illustrations.
It seems that a new and more terrible disease is touted on the news almost daily. The spread of these scary diseases from bird flu to SARS to AIDS is a cause for concern and leads to questions such as: Where did all these germs come from, and how do they fit into a biblical world view? What kind of function did these microbes have before the Fall? Does antibiotic resistance in bacteria prove evolution? How can something so small have such a huge, deadly impact on the world around us? Professor Alan Gillen sheds light on these and many other questions in The Genesis of Germs. He shows how these constantly mutating diseases are proof for devolution rather than evolution and how all of these germs fit into a biblical world view. Dr. Gillen shows how germs are symptomatic of the literal Fall and Curse of creation as a result of man’s sin and the hope we have in the coming of Jesus Christ.
Semester 2:
Body by Design defines the basic anatomy and physiology in each of 11 body systems from a creationist viewpoint. Every chapter explores the wonder, beauty, and creation of the human body, giving evidence for creation, while exposing faulty evolutionist reasoning. Special explorations into each body system look closely at disease aspects, current events, and discoveries, while profiling the classic and contemporary scientists and physicians who have made remarkable breakthroughs in studies of the different areas of the human body.
Within Building Blocks in Life Science you will discover exceptional insights and clarity to patterns of order in living things, including the promise of healing and new birth in Christ. Study numerous ways to refute the evolutionary worldview that life simply evolved by chance over millions of years. The evolutionary worldview can be found filtered through every topic at every age-level in our society. It has become the overwhelmingly accepted paradigm for the origins of life as taught in all secular institutions. This dynamic education resource helps young people not only learn science from a biblical perspective, but also helps them know how to defend their faith in the process.
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