Picturesque Tale of Progress

Written by Olive Beaupré Miller and Harry Neal Baum (former professor of history at the University of Wisconsin) and published by Miller's company, The Book House for Children, My Book of History: A Picturesque Tale of Progress was published in four volumes in 1929. 'Picturesque' here refers to the many beautiful illustrations and maps that give these books their unique value. 

The books were written in themes: Beginnings, Conquests, New Nations, Explorations. In 1935, the set was divided into 8 thinner volumes and renamed A Picturesque Tale of Progress. And in 1949, the 8-volume set was expanded to a 9-volume set with the addition of a complete Index to the series. This collection was reprinted several times from 1949 to 1957.

For this third version, each volume is bound in black hardcovers with gilt titles and color paste-down illustrations. The interiors are profusely illustrated in black and white and in color. Many of the illustrations are by notable book illustrators. The nine volumes in this set are:

  • Volume 1: Beginnings, Part 1
  • Volume 2: Beginnings, Part 2
  • Volume 3: Conquests, Part 1
  • Volume 4: Conquests, Part 2
  • Volume 5: New Nations, Part 1
  • Volume 6: New Nations, Part 2
  • Volume 7: Explorations, Part 1
  • Volume 8: Explorations, Part 2
  • Volume 9: Index

In 1963, the volumes were reconsolidated and the series was republished as "The Story of Mankind." Essentially the same in content as earlier editions, the main difference is that these no longer have the color pictures or index. Instead, short summaries of each volume are included. And they don't have quite the same shelf appeal.

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