
Sometimes you just need to see a picture for a story to make sense. For all those famous people who lived after 1822, there are pictures available and it's often surprising how much context they lend to their biographies. We've collected all the photobiographies we carry here.

There are two main types of photobiographies: the kind in which photographs are the main content, and the kind in which text plays the prominent role with photographs acting as supplements. The latter type does NOT include biographies with a short series of plates in the center of the book. Our photobiographies are all illustrated throughout.

As with all our biography subgenres, don't stop here. Use the links in the left sidebar to narrow your search, and to find photobiographies for different kinds of people, different eras, etc. Also, while photobiographies do offer visual context, they can't replace the sheer amount of content you'll get in a text-only biography.

We're working on growing this section, so if you have a really cool or informative favorite photobiography, let us know and we'll see about carrying it. Unfortunately, those of us at Exodus Books don't have all knowledge (not even collectively), and many of our customers are more well-versed in biographical material than we are. If that's you, help us out!

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he is a husband and father, teaches adult Sunday school in his Presbyterian congregation, and likes weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.


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