Bible Jesus Read
by Philip Yancey
from Zondervan
for 10th-Adult
in Bible Surveys
(Location: XBI-SURV)
Bread and Wine
by C. S. Lewis, Henri Nouwen, et al
from Orbis Books
for 10th-Adult
in Easter & Lent
(Location: HOLIDAY)
Disappointment with God
by Philip Yancey
25th Anniversary Edition
from Zondervan
in Knowing & Loving God
(Location: XCL-KNOW)
Fearfully and Wonderfully
by Philip Yancey & Dr. Paul Brand
from InterVarsity Press
for 9th-Adult
in Faith & Science
(Location: XAP-SCI)
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
by Philip Yancey & Dr. Paul Brand
from Zondervan
for 9th-Adult
in Faith & Science
(Location: XAP-SCI)
$2.40 (1 in stock)
Finding God in Unexpected Places
by Philip Yancey
from Vine Books
$3.60 (2 in stock)
In His Image
by Philip Yancey & Dr. Paul Brand
from Zondervan
for 9th-Adult
in Faith & Science
(Location: XAP-SCI)
$5.10 (1 in stock)
Jesus I Never Knew
by Philip Yancey
1st edition
from Zondervan
for 10th-Adult
$3.00 (2 in stock)
Jesus I Never Knew
by Philip Yancey
from Zondervan
in Knowing & Loving God
(Location: XCL-KNOW)
Songs from the Silent Passage
by members of the Chrysostom Society
from Rabbit Room Press
for 10th-Adult
What's So Amazing About Grace?
by Philip Yancey
Rev ed.
from Zondervan
for 11th-Adult
in The Gospel
(Location: XTH-GOS)
Where Is God When It Hurts?
by Philip Yancey
from Zondervan
Christian Living
for Adult
in Suffering & Hope
(Location: XCL-SUF)
$3.00 (1 in stock)