Person of Christ - DVD

Person of Christ - DVD

Understanding the Power, Person, and Place of Jesus Christ in All of Life

by Voddie Baucham Jr.
Publisher: Vision Forum
Current Retail Price: $15.00
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All is lost if we preach the wrong Christ: We have no salvation, no forgiveness of sins—we are without hope. In this important lecture, Dr. Voddie Baucham explains how we must proclaim the person of Christ as God's Word teaches or, else, our gospel message will be bankrupt. We must call sin "sin" and reject definitions of Jesus that rob Him of His glory or minimize His sacrifice as our only Savior. Dr. Baucham equips his listeners with solid answers to common objections raised concerning Christ's Deity, death, and resurrection. His charge: We must preach a risen Christ unequivocally and tell the world that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life—and that no one comes to the Father but by Him.

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