
A percentage is a way of expressing numbers as fractions of 100 and is often denoted using the percent sign, "%". For example, "45.1%" (read as "forty five point one percent") is equal to 0.451.

Percentages are used to express how large one quantity is in terms of another quantity. The first quantity is then usually a part of or a change in the second quantity. For example, an increase of $ 0.15 on a price of $ 2.50 is an increase by a fraction of 0.15/2.50 = 0.06. Expressed as a percentage, this is therefore an increase by 6%.

Although percentages are usually used to express numbers between zero and one, any number can be expressed as a percentage. For instance, 111% is 1.11 and -0.35% is -0.0035.

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