
Parenting is no easy task. To parent in a biblical way is even tougher. Yet that is precisely the thing to which each Christian parent is called. The standards are high. But so too are the rewards.The biblical requirement placed upon each parent is direct and basic. Train up your children in the fear and admonition of the Lord (Eph. 6:4). If you do so, the Lord promises that He will be God to you and to your children forever (Gen. 17:7; Acts 2:39).

Modes of parenting may differ with each different personality. But the object and goal of parenting is a fixed star. Our children belong to Christ. We are charged with parenting them so that they will grow to love and fear Him all their days. No easy task indeed!

Many men and women are choosing to put off or even completely forego having children. When they do finally let the “biological clock” alarm them into having kids, too often these modern parents are willing to abdicate their God-given role. Let the daycare do it. Let the public schools do it. Let the church do it. Let anyone else do it, but don’t blame the parents! Not long ago you might have heard a certain First Lady promote the idea, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Perhaps there’s some truth to that. But the role and task of parenting is given first and primarily, not to the village, but to the home. Parents must once again lay hold of the duty, but also of the glorious privilege of being parents.

It's not enough to simply choose to be good parents. Many of us lack a workable model. The what and how of good parenting is no longer being passed effectively from one generation to others.

Thankfully, Christian parents are not cast on their own resources alone. The Bible offers rich bounties of instruction and comfort to parents and children alike. And there are other helps too. The books below are offered to encourage the weary and provide parental wisdom to those who are seeking it.

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