Pages of History Volume 1

Pages of History Volume 1

Secrets of the Ancients

by Bruce Etter, Alexia Detweiler
Publisher: Veritas Press
2nd Edition, ©2014, Publisher Catalog #000-982
Hardcover, 444 pages
Price: $25.00

Perfect for family story time or individual study, Pages of History transports the reader through the timeline of the world—providing a view of God’s work in every age.

From a mysterious safe in a dusty library comes the gateway to a journey through history. What James and Lance thought would be a boring school project is astonishingly transformed into an adventure that will forever change their lives.

In this exciting first volume, Secrets of the Ancients, James and Lance travel from Creation through the Reformation. Their adventures in history will captivate readers young and old.

  • Unapologetic Christian worldview
  • Engaging approach to classical teaching
  • Covers 96 major events—all of the first three series in the Veritas Press History—and thousands of years of history in the format of a compelling story.
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