From the front flap:
Chrysopolis, New World, Contra Costa, and many others - once familiar names of paddle-wheelers that churned the waters of the California rivers and bays.
Into the lusty days of their youth these boats crowded adventure, tragedy, cut-throat competition, racing, disaster - and off-the-record romances of more than one Bay region Lothario. With their growning-pains out of the way, they provided dependable transportation at attractive rates, both for business purposes and for the relaxation of the jaded and weary.
Here is a comprehensive history of these inland steamers, gathered from the scattered bits of printed material and from personal accounts of the river men. While stressing the steamers of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, the author has not overlooked the Colorado River boats and those which plied the various creeks around San Francisco Bay. He included also a chapter on the ferries. The list of river steamers and ferries, about 275, is as complete as it is possible to make at this time
The author, now a lieutenant commander, USNR, has had a long and continuing interest in boats. For twelve years he prepared a daily colum for the marine page of the San Diego Union, and he has furnished articles for many magazines here and in England.
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