Out of the Mouth of the Lion

Out of the Mouth of the Lion

Or, The Church in the Catacombs

Emma Leslie Church History Series
by Emma Leslie
Publisher: Salem Ridge Press
Hardcover, 296 pages
Current Retail Price: $24.95
Used Price: $12.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Asia Minor in 163 - 166 A.D.

When Flaminius, a high Roman official, takes his wife, Flavia, to the Colosseum to see Christians thrown to the lions, he has no idea the effect it will have. Flavia cannot forget the faith of the martyrs, and finally, to protect her from complete disgrace or even danger, Flaminius requests a transfer to a more remote government post. As he and his family travel to the seven cities of Asia Minor mentioned in Revelation, he sees the various responses of the churches to persecution. His attitude toward the despised Christians begins to change, but does he dare forsake the gods of Rome and embrace the Lord Jesus Christ?

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