Oral Language Exercises

Oral Language Exercises

Publisher: A Beka Books
Spiralbound, 102 pages
Current Retail Price: $23.90
Used Price: $4.00 (10 in stock) Condition Policy

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Has your child ever complained when corrected for his grammar or word usage that the correction “just doesn’t sound right”? The reason, of course, is that the wrong way has been said or heard so often that it is the wrong that sounds rightOral Language Exercises gives you 10 model sentences for each day to help you train your child’s ear so that correct language usage sounds right! This helpful parent text is called for in the 4–6 Language Arts Curriculum/Lesson Plans, but can also be used for grades 1–3. Lessons are unified around usage problems such as lie vs. lay or nominative vs. objective case pronouns. Reviews are included at regular intervals.

Want to check if your child can recall which of two sentences is the correct usage? Seven sets of checkpoint tests are provided for grades1–2, 3–4, and 5–6. Prepare your child to use God’s gift of language skillfully! Gr. 4–6.

This teacher guide gives practice in correctly spoken English for each of the elementary grades. It is a marvelous teaching tool to sharpen audio perception and oral communication skills. The teacher is given daily 10-sentence word usage exercises that will help to train students' ears and inculcate correct language skills. Easy to use—1,750 sentences—spiral-bound. Reviews and checkpoint tests are included at regular intervals. Used in the fourth through sixth grade language curriculums/lesson plans.


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