On the Wings of Heroes

On the Wings of Heroes

by Richard Peck
Publisher: Puffin Books
Trade Paperback, 148 pages
List Price: $7.99 Sale Price: $6.79

Davy Bowman’s dad looks forward to Halloween more than a kid, and Davy’s brother, Bill, flies B-17s. Davy adores these two heroes and tries his best to follow their lead, especially now. World War II has invaded Davy’s homefront boyhood. Bill has joined up, breaking their dad’s heart. It’s an intense, confusing time, and one that will spur Davy to grow up in a hurry. This is one of Richard Peck’s finest novels—a tender, unforgettable portrait of the World War II home front and a family’s enduring love.

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  Hilarious and Heart-warming
HappyHomemaker of OR, 12/31/2011
Possibly my favorite of Richard Peck's books.
Told in retrospect by an old man, this book is kind of a coming of age story where a boy grows up by learning from his heroes, his brother and father.
The episodic chapters are heart-warming and hilarious, and frankly, only a male author could have known some of the stuff that goes on inside this boys' head!