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From the dust jacket:
HERE is a book that will delight and surprise you. For nearly half a century Herbert Hoover has been carrying on a private correspondence filled with wit and wisdom. His letters, however, do not go to the great statesmen of the world but to the boys and girls from all over America who write the thirty-first President seeking advice and information. This book is a selection of their letters and his answers. It also includes some of Mr. Hoover's own writings about America which he is fond of enclosing with certain replies.
Here you will meet Herbert Hoover not just as a former President but as a former boy who "grew up on sandlot baseball, swimming holes and fishing with worms" ... whose story is, in his own words, "only the story of the chance in life which America brings to all boys and girls."
Here too you can glean advice on a very wide variety of topics–from Mr. Hoover's wise words to young people about politics and public service to his pithy recommendations to a very young fisherman. For convenience the letters are divided into the following "chapters":
1 On Boyhood Days
II On Being President
III On Boys' Clubs and Such
IV On This and That
V On School and Studies
VI On Choosing a Career
VII On World Affairs
VIII "I Enclose..."
including "Thank You, Miss Gray," "The Uncommon Man" and other selections.
Here is a book of good cheer, joy, and much wisdom.
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