Old Western Culture Year 4 - Workbook Set

Old Western Culture Year 4 - Workbook Set

by Wesley Callihan
Publisher: Roman Roads Media
Item: 95051
List Price: $64.00 Our Price: $64.00

Old Western Culture: The Greeks is a full year of instruction divided into four units: The Epics, Drama and Lyric, The Histories, and The Philosophers. With over 20 hours of video instruction, reading assignments in the "great books", accompanying exercises after each lecture and reading assignment, and 4 end-of-term exams, The Greeks offers the homeschooler a complete literature and social studies course. Intended for high school aged students (14+), as well as for the adult enrichment student. As an integrated humanities curriculum, The Greeks explores history, theology, philosophy, poetry, and art from the perspective of the greatest and most influential literature of the Western world. Hundreds of classical paintings, maps, timelines, and more are woven into the video lessons! Click on the individual titles below for more information on each unit.

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