Old Western Culture Year 4 Volume 1 - Reader

Old Western Culture Year 4 Volume 1 - Reader

Early Moderns: Rise of England

by Wesley Callihan
Publisher: Roman Roads Media
DVD, 750 pages
Current Retail Price: $29.00
Used Price: $20.30 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Rise of England, Old Western Culture Reader Vol. 13. 
Includes all required reading for Old Western Culture: Rise of England, the first unit in Early Moderns, year four of the Old Western Culture great books curriculum for high school and above.

Table of Contents

Texts Included in this Volume:

  • William Shakespeare
    • Sonnet 3, 55, 60, 73, 103, & 106
    • King Lear
    • Richard III
    • Merchant of Venice
  • John Donne
    • A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
    • Holy Sonnet X
    • Holy Sonnet XIV
    • Meditation XVII
  • Geroge Herbert
    • Redemption
    • The Collar
    • Love III
  • Andrew Marvell
    • To His Coy Mistress
  • John Milton
    • On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity
    • The Hymn
    • On His Blindness
    • On the Late Massacre in Piedmont
    • Paradise Lost
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