O. F. Walton

Born in England in 1849 as Amy Catherine Deck, this author grew up the daughter of the vicar of St. Stephen's Church, Spring Street, Hull.  Writing using evangelical themes, she published her first book in 1870 under her father's name.  A couple years later her next book saw publication.  Then after marrying her father's curate and moving to Jerusalem, she penned more stories.  At this point she began going by her husband's initials or simply Mrs. Walton.

She and her husband moved from place to place until his retirement, and along her path in life she continued writing books for children and teenagers.  Mostly fiction, her works centered on religious beliefs, an adventure, or a mystery.  Perhaps most widely recognized are her books A Peep Behind the Scenes and Christie's Old Organ which have remained in print over the years.  In 1939 Mrs. Walton passed away in Leigh, in Kent, England.


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5 Items found
Christie's Old Organ
Lamplighter Rare Collector Series
by O. F. Walton
from Lamplighter Publishing
for 1st-5th grade
in Lamplighter Rare Collector Series (Location: FIC-WH04)
Lost Clue
Lamplighter Rare Collector Series
by O. F.Walton
from Lamplighter Publishing
for 6th-10th grade
in Lamplighter Rare Collector Series (Location: FIC-WH04)
My Mates and I
Lamplighter Rare Collector Series
by O. F. Walton
from Lamplighter Publishing
for 3rd-8th grade
in Lamplighter Rare Collector Series (Location: FIC-WH04)
Peep Behind the Scenes
Lamplighter Rare Collector Series
by O.F. Walton
from Lamplighter Publishing
for 9th-Adult
in Lamplighter Rare Collector Series (Location: FIC-WH04)
Saved at Sea
from A Beka Books
for 4th grade
in A Beka Book Report books (Location: REA-ABK)
$12.00 (3 in stock)