North and South

North and South

Oxford World's Classics
by Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell
Publisher: Oxford University
Trade Paperback, 452 pages
List Price: $10.95 Sale Price: $9.31

Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South examines the nature of social authority and obedience and provides an insightful description of the role of middle class women in nineteenth century society. Through the story of Margaret Hale, a southerner who moves to the northern industrial town of Milton, Gaskell skillfully explores issues of class and gender, as Margaret's sympathy for the town mill workers conflicts with her growing attraction to the mill owner, John Thornton. This new and revised expanded edition sets the novel in the context of Victorian social and medical debate.

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FLAWS: Violence
Summary: Worlds collide as country-bred Margaret Hale clashes with factory owner Mr. Thornton.

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  A Great Story
HappyHomemaker of OR, 12/30/2011
In North and South, Mrs. Glaskell sends her Southern English heroine into the dark, dusky English North, where she (as well as the reader) learns a few lesson in judgements and humility. Humans naturally judge each other without bothering to understand the other side of the story. As she makes friends with workers at the same time as the masters, she finds that things aren't always as simple as it seems.
The writing is more advanced than, say, the Little House books, but a young teen can enjoy it.