Volume XI contains the books 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossions, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon.
From the dust jacket:
THE NEW INTERPRETER'S BIBLE continues the tradition established by its predecessor, THE INTERPRETER'S BIBLE, as an invaluable tool for everyone who studles, preaches, and teaches Scripture -including Bible scholars, pastors, Sunday school and Bible school teachers, and interested laypeople.
Each volume of THE NEW INTERPRETER'S BIBLE includes:
Two complete translations of selected books of the Bible. The full texts and critical notes of The New International Version and The New Revised Standard Version of the Bible are presented in parallel columns for quick reference and comparison. Since every translation is to some extent an interpretation as well, the inclusion of these two widely known and influential modern translations which differ in their approaches in presenting the story of the Bible provides an easy comparison which in many cases will lead to a fuller understanding of a passage.
Commentary. A detailed, critical commentary on several books of the Bible (including the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical books), written by a scholar recognized as an expert in the field. Each author has produced an exegetical "close reading" of the biblical text, informed by various interpretive methods (linguistic, text-critical, historical-critical, literary, sociological, theological). The Commentary serves as a reliable, judicious guide through the text, pointing out the critical problems as well as larger interpretive issues. But THE NEW INTERPRETER'S BIBLE is not intended merely to summarize recent scholarship It is a new commentary meant to add to that body of knowledge as well, and to take its place among the finest modern works available. Numerous visual aids (maps, charts, timelines, illustrations) are placed throughout the interpretive material to enhance understanding and ease of use.
Reflections. A detailed exposition growing directly out of the discussion and issues dealt with in the Commentary. These Reflections are geared specifically toward helping those who interpret Scripture in the life of the church by providing "handles" for grasping the significance of Scripture for faith and life today. Recognizing that the Bible is the church's Scripture and that it has the capacity to shape the life of the Christian community, this section presents multiple possibilities for preaching and teaching in light of each biblical text.
In addition to these three main features, each volume of THE NEW INTERPRETER'S BIBLE will include an Introduction to each book of the Bible included in that volume with an outline of the book and an annotated bibliography for further study. Volumes I and VIII include General Articles on the Bible and the Old Testament, and on the New Testament, respectively. Certain volumes also include introductory articles that provide information for specific types of literature (e.g., narrative literature, Hebrew poetry, Gospel literature), and brief essays on important related topics.
THE NEW INTERPRETER'S BIBLE incorporates several other key strengths:
- the exegetical Commentary and the theological Reflections for each biblical book are written by one individual, ensuring consistency of perspective;
- the ecumenical roster of contributors includes top scholars and emerging new voices;
- the biblical text is divided into coherent and manageable units, such as pericopes, which allows discussion of important issues that are overlooked in a verse-by-verse treatment.
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