Near & Middle East

The term Near East was coined in the 19th century when Westerners divided the “Orient” into three parts: the Near East, the Middle East, and the Far East. The Near East included the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans; the Middle East ranged between the Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia; and the Far East encompassed Asian countries facing the Pacific Ocean. However, in the early 20th century (as Europe geared up for World War II), the term Middle East began to be used by the British military to refer to both regions and it soon became the dominant term. (Though for all intents and purposes, both Middle East and Near East refer to the same region when used today.)

Today, the Middle East is considered the region spanning from Morocco (Northern Africa) to the Arabian Peninsula and Iran (Western Asia). (The acronym MENA—Middle East and North Africa—may also be used.) While Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria seem like geographical outliers, their similar sentiment, religion, and policies have led them to be considered part of the region. Other countries, such as Afghanistan and Pakistan (in South Asia), are often lumped in with the Middle East because of current events, although they may not technically belong.

Both Near and Middle East are Eurocentric terms—it is Western English-speaking historians who named the region on the basis of its position relative to Europe. With recent trends to de-Westernize core education, the term Middle East seems a bit old-fashioned, but it's the best we have for now.

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from Mott Media
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from Eerdmans
for 4th-6th grade
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for 5th-7th grade
in Near & Middle East (Location: HISMC-NME)
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for 1st-3rd grade
in Imagination Station (Location: SER-AIO)
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by Mark Alan Stamaty
from Dragonfly Books
for 3rd-5th grade
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
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You Choose: Historical Eras
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from Capstone Press
for 3rd-5th grade
in Ancient Egypt (Location: HISW-ANEG)
Ancient History-Based Writing Lessons - Set
by Lori Verstegen
6th edition from Institute for Excellence in Writing
for 3rd-6th grade
in IEW Theme-Based Writing Lessons (Location: WRI-IEWTBW)
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from Chicago Review Press
for 4th-8th grade
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from Bellerophon Books
for 4th-9th grade
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from W. W. Norton and Co.
for 10th-Adult
in Medieval Literature (Location: LIT2-MED)
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by Sir Richard Burton, trans.
from Bracken Books
for 10th-Adult
in Medieval Literature (Location: LIT2-MED)
Arabian Nights
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by Earle Goodenow, illustrator
from Grosset & Dunlap
Eastern Fairy Tales for 4th-8th grade
Arabian Nights
Calla Editions
by Rene Bull (Illustrator)
Reprint from Dover Publications
for 4th-9th grade
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by Sir Richard Burton, trans.
from Book League of America
for 10th-Adult
in Medieval Literature (Location: LIT2-MED)
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by Sir Richard Burton (translator), illustrated by Arthur Szyk
from Heritage Press
for 10th-Adult
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2007 Printing from Cambridge University
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in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$7.20 (1 in stock)
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by Mokhtar Moktefi & Veronique Ageorges
from Millbrook Press
for 4th-6th grade
in Middle Ages (Location: HISW-MID)
$5.00 (2 in stock)
Arabs in the Golden Age
by Mokhtar Moktefi & Veronique Ageorges
from Avyx, Inc.
for 4th-6th grade
in Middle Ages (Location: HISW-MID)
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Archko Volume
by Drs. McIntosh and Twyman, translators
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for 3rd-5th grade
in Ancient Mesopotamia & Persia (Location: HISW-ANME)
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in Ancient Mesopotamia & Persia (Location: HISW-ANME)
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in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
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by H. Wayne House
from Zondervan
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in Bible Geography and Surveys (Location: XBI-GEO)
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Chronological and Background Charts of the Old Testament
by John Walton
2nd edition from Zondervan
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from Unknown Publisher
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from Unknown Publisher
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$6.00 (1 in stock)
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from DK Publishing
for 3rd-6th grade
in Ancient Mesopotamia & Persia (Location: HISW-ANME)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
Early Islam
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from Time-Life Books
for 9th-Adult
in Great Ages of Man (Location: ADU-HISGAM)
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for 1st-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
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from Eerdmans
Bible Stories for Kindergarten-4th grade
in Oversized Picture Books (Location: PIC-OVER)
by Leon Uris
from Bantam Books
for 10th-Adult
in 20th & 21st Century Literature (Location: LIT7-20)
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in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Fall of Constantinople
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from Random House
for 5th-9th grade
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for 4th-7th grade
in Middle Ages (Location: HISW-MID)
$20.00 (1 in stock)
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$4.00 (1 in stock)
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from Viking Press
for 6th-9th grade
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
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for 4th-7th grade
in Ancient History (Location: HISW-ANC)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
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for 5th-10th grade
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from Robinson Curriculum
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from Robinson Curriculum
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in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
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in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
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for 9th-Adult
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$12.00 (1 in stock)
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for 1st-4th grade
$8.95 $6.00 (1 in stock)
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in Ancient History (Location: HISW-ANC)
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Historical Fiction for 5th-8th grade
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
$14.95 $9.50 (2 in stock)
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for 4th-6th grade
in Ancient History (Location: HISW-ANC)
$7.50 (1 in stock)
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from Charlesbridge
for 4th-7th grade
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
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from Atheneum
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in Near & Middle East (Location: HISMC-NME)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
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for 3rd-8th grade
in Hands-On History Activity-Paks (Location: HISRF-HOH)
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by Taylor Caldwell
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for 10th-Adult
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
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from Highlights for Children
for 1st-6th grade
in Near & Middle East (Location: HISMC-NME)
$1.50 (2 in stock)
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by Alastair Finlan
from Osprey Publishing
for 7th-Adult
in 20th Century: 1980-1999 (Location: HISW-20C4)
$9.00 (1 in stock)
by Naomi Shihab Nye
Reissue from Simon Pulse
for 4th-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$7.99 $4.00 (2 in stock)
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by Richard N. Frye
First Ediition from World Publishing Company
for Adult
in Vintage History & Biographies (Location: VIN-HIS)
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by Robert Green
from Grolier Publishing
Biography for 4th-6th grade
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
History of Ancient Israel
by Michael Grant
from Charles Scribner's Sons
for 10th-Adult
in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
History of the Arab Peoples
by Albert Hourani
from Harvard University Press
for Adult
in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
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by Norman Kotker
from Horizon Books
for 6th-10th grade
in Horizon Caravel Books (Location: VIN-HOR)
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from Albert Whitman & Company
for 1st-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
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from Scott, Foresman & Co.
for 1st-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
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from Lion Publishing
Biblical Reference for 3rd-6th grade
in Church History for Kids (Location: XCH-KID)
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for 3rd-6th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
$10.00 (1 in stock)
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in Church History for Kids (Location: XCH-KID)
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from Moody Press
for 11th-Adult
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
$15.99 $8.00 (1 in stock)
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from Heinemann Educational Books
for 3rd-6th grade
in Ancient History (Location: HISW-ANC)